
The miner supports the most popular algorithms, including
Ethash (ETC), ProgPoW, KAWPOW, Equihash, and CuckooCycle.


GMiner is a miner designed to work with algorithms such as Ethash, ProgPoW, KAWPOW, and others. GMiner is a versatile miner with customizable settings to suit your specific needs.

Key Features:

  • Support for Multiple Algorithms: GMiner works with popular algorithms, allowing you to mine multiple coins at once.
  • High Performance: The miner is optimized and operates stably, minimizing resource consumption and increasing mining profitability.
  • Flexible Settings: GMiner offers a variety of parameters for customization, allowing it to adapt to any of your tasks and any equipment.

Supported Algorithms and Fees

Algorithm Fee
Ethash (ETH, ETC) 2%
Etchash (ETC) 2%
KAWPOW (Ravencoin) 2%
ProgPoW (SERO, BitcoinInterest) 2%
Autolykos2 (Ergo) 2%
KHeavyHash (Kaspa) 1%
Cortex 5%
BeamHash (Beam) 2%
Equihash 144_5 (Bitcoin Gold, BitcoinZ) 2%
Equihash 125_4 (Zero, Zelcash) 2%
Equihash 210_9 (Aion) 2%
CuckooCycle (Aeternity) 2%
Cuckaroo29 (Grin) 2%
MTP (Zcoin) 2%
BCD (Bitcoin Diamond) 3%

Installing Gminer

To start mining, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Download Gminer: Download the latest version of Gminer, which you can do on our website. Versions for Windows and Linux are available.
  2. Extract the Archive: Unzip the downloaded archive to a convenient location, such as your desktop.
  3. Edit the .bat File: Open the Gminer folder and select the file corresponding to the algorithm you want to use for mining. Open the selected .bat file in a text editor, such as Notepad, and replace YOUR_ADDRESS and YOUR_POOL with your wallet address and pool details.
  4. Run Gminer: To start mining, double-click on the edited batch file. For example, if you edited the ethash.bat file, Gminer will start mining using the Ethash algorithm.

Below, we will go over in more detail how to configure the .bat file, and you will also be able to download a ready-made batch file.

Configuring the Batch File for Gminer

Batch File Configuration for Ethereum Classic (ETC) on Nanopool

  • Algorithm: Etchash
  • Pool:
  • Port: 19999
@echo off
cd /d %~dp0
:: Mining Ethereum Classic on Nanopool
miner.exe --algo etchash --server --user YOUR_ETC_WALLET.YOUR_WORKER_NAME --pass x

Batch File Configuration for Ravencoin (RVN) on 2Miners

  • Algorithm: Kawpow
  • Pool:
  • Port: 6060
@echo off
cd /d %~dp0
:: Mining Ravencoin on 2Miners
miner.exe --algo kawpow --server --user YOUR_RVN_WALLET.YOUR_WORKER_NAME --pass x

Batch File Configuration for Ergo (ERG) on Herominers

  • Algorithm: Autolykos2
  • Pool:
  • Port: 10250
@echo off
cd /d %~dp0
:: Mining Ergo on Herominers
miner.exe --algo autolykos2 --server --user YOUR_ERG_WALLET.YOUR_WORKER_NAME --pass x

Batch File Configuration for Kaspa (KAS) on WoolyPooly

  • Algorithm: KHeavyHash
  • Pool:
  • Port: 3112
@echo off
cd /d %~dp0
:: Mining Kaspa on WoolyPooly
miner.exe --algo kheavyhash --server --user YOUR_KAS_WALLET.YOUR_WORKER_NAME --pass x

Video Guide

Dual and Triple Mining

Example of .bat File Configuration for Dual Mining (Ethash + Zilliqa)

  1. Algorithms: Ethash (e.g., for Ethereum Classic) and Zilliqa.
  2. Pools:
    • Ethereum Classic (ETC):
    • Zilliqa (ZIL):
@echo off
cd /d %~dp0
:: Dual mining Ethereum Classic + Zilliqa
miner.exe --algo ethash --server --user YOUR_ETC_WALLET.YOUR_WORKER_NAME --proto stratum+tcp --cache_dag 1 ^
--algo zilliqa --server --user YOUR_ZIL_WALLET.YOUR_WORKER_NAME
  • Replace YOUR_ETC_WALLET and YOUR_ZIL_WALLET with your wallet addresses for ETC and ZIL, respectively.
  • YOUR_WORKER_NAME is the worker name you want to use on both pools.

Example of .bat File Configuration for Triple Mining (Ethash + Zilliqa + Ergo)

  1. Algorithms: Ethash (Ethereum Classic), Zilliqa, and Autolykos2 (Ergo).
  2. Pools:
    • Ethereum Classic (ETC):
    • Zilliqa (ZIL):
    • Ergo (ERG):
@echo off
cd /d %~dp0
:: Triple mining Ethereum Classic + Zilliqa + Ergo
miner.exe --algo ethash --server --user YOUR_ETC_WALLET.YOUR_WORKER_NAME --proto stratum+tcp --cache_dag 1 ^
--algo zilliqa --server --user YOUR_ZIL_WALLET.YOUR_WORKER_NAME ^
--algo autolykos2 --server --user YOUR_ERG_WALLET.YOUR_WORKER_NAME
  • Replace YOUR_ETC_WALLET, YOUR_ZIL_WALLET, and YOUR_ERG_WALLET with your wallet addresses for ETC, ZIL, and ERG.
  • YOUR_WORKER_NAME is the worker name you want to use on all pools.

Basic Commands for GMiner

  1. –algo — specifies the algorithm for mining.

    Example: --algo ethash
  2. –server — specifies the pool address to connect to.

    Example: --server
  3. –user — sets the wallet address or username on the pool.

    Example: --user YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS
  4. –pass — sets the password for the pool, if required.

    Example: --pass x
  5. –worker — sets the worker name for tracking on the pool.

    Example: --worker Rig1
  6. –proto — sets the protocol for connecting to the pool (stratum, stratum+tcp).

    Example: --proto stratum
  7. –devices — specifies the list of GPUs to use for mining.

    Example: --devices 0 1 (to use the first and second GPUs)
  8. –templimit — sets the maximum temperature for GPUs. Mining will stop if this limit is reached.

    Example: --templimit 75
  9. –intensity — sets the mining intensity (value from 1 to 100).

    Example: --intensity 90
  10. –api — enables remote API access for monitoring (default port 4001).

    Example: --api
  11. –logfile — logs the miner’s operation to the specified file.

    Example: --logfile miner_log.txt
  12. –watchdog — enables the built-in watchdog to restart the miner in case of crashes.

    Example: --watchdog 1
  13. –fan — sets a fixed fan speed (in percentage).

    Example: --fan 80
  14. –cclock — sets the core clock frequency for overclocking (MHz).

    Example: --cclock 100
  15. –mclock — sets the memory clock frequency for overclocking (MHz).

    Example: --mclock 500

You can also download the full list of all commands for GMiner.

How to Use the Mining Strategy Calculator?

We have created a simple and user-friendly calculator that helps you calculate parameters for multi-pool mining. With its help, you can evenly distribute the load between pools or set priority for specific pools.

How Does the Calculator Work?

  1. Enter Pool Addresses
    Specify the addresses of the two pools you want to use in your mining strategy.

  2. Set Quotas
    Distribute the percentages between the pools so that their total equals 100%. For example, Pool 1 = 60%, Pool 2 = 40%.

  3. Get the Ready-Made Command
    The calculator automatically generates a command for the miner that takes into account your settings.

Example of Use

Suppose you want to use two pools:

  • Pool 1: with a quota of 60%
  • Pool 2: with a quota of 40%

The calculator will create the following command for you:

cgminer --quota "1;" -u user1 -p pass1 --quota "2;" -u user2 -p pass2
Mining Strategy Calculator

Calculate Mining Strategy

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